Student Links
Students will have access to an i-Pad and Chromebook in the classroom. Students are set up with a school account, they will have access to the programs below (Wonders, i-Ready, Raz-Kids). Students will be able to access their stories and activities from home via computer or tablet. Please be sure to have students keep their usernames and passwords in a safe place!
Also included on this site are Student Activity and Resource Sites. These sites do not require a student login and can be used for fun and educational practice! Happy learning!
Also included on this site are Student Activity and Resource Sites. These sites do not require a student login and can be used for fun and educational practice! Happy learning!
Student Assignment Links (log-in required)
Don't forget to set state to Hawaii or it won't log you in!
Student Activity and Resource Sites (no log-in required)
Click on the pictures below to link to their site.