Attendance Policy
View the Attendance Policy Attendance is an important factor for your child's educational success. Please note the following: According to the Board of Education's Student Code of Conduct, policy regarding attendance and punctuality, students are expected to attend school daily, attend all classes, and be on time every day.
Absences Ho`okele pays close attention to a student's attendance. Students who are in school less than one-half of the school day are marked absent for the entire day. Parents must notify the school of their child's absence by one of the following ways. You may call the school by 8:30 a.m. on the day of the absence giving your child's name, room number, teacher, grade and a brief reason for the absence or you may send a note to the office stating the reason for the absence. Tardies Students that are not in their classroom at 7:50 a.m. are tardy. They must report to the office for a tardy slip before going to class. Please note that tardy students (even by a few minutes) have a difficult time catching up with their classwork of which has already begun. Students that enter the classroom late cause disruption to the other students and the teacher's lesson. Please be courteous of your classmates and come to school several minutes before the bell. |
Early Dismissal
When a child leaves school before the regular dismissal time, he/she must be excused by the office staff.
Note: Students who leave before 11 AM or 10:15 AM on Wednesdays, are not considered in school for the full day, therefore they will be marked absent. Whenever possible, please schedule dental and medical appointments after school or on a Saturday. Family Vacations Family vacations should be scheduled during our school breaks to minimize absence from class. Classroom Disruptions To minimize classroom distractions and interruptions during instruction, phone messages and dropping off of items are for emergencies only. Please discuss after school pick-up arrangements with your child the day before. If items are dropped off at the office, the student must come down during recess to pick it up. For the safety and security of students and staff, parents are asked not to "drop in" on their child's classroom. If you wish to arrange a visit to your child's class, please make prior arrangements with his/her teacher ahead of time. This includes dropping off of treats/goodies for birthdays, parties, etc. Homework Requests
Homework may be requested by calling the office (808.305.8500). All called-in homework requests will be available for pick up at the front office "Homework Box." You can access the student homework assignments on the Homework tab. Click the link to download and print any worksheets that were assigned! |